Meeting the energy / nutritional needs of the infant through breast milk / formula becomes progressively more difficult after 6 months, especially in terms of energy, protein, iron, zinc and certain fat-soluble vitamins (A and D).
Thus, whether for energy / nutritional needs or for aspects related to the neurosensory development of infants, it is necessary to introduce foods in addition to breast milk / formula (feeding with a spoon or baby-led weaning) , until its inclusion in the family diet - around the age of 12 months.

Complementary foods other than breast milk / formula (solid or liquid) should not be introduced before 4 months, nor postponed beyond 6 months.
Do you want to know the foods / drinks to introduce at each stage and the respective amounts recommended for your baby? Want to know which foods / drinks to avoid?
So that you feel more reassured and that you can take full advantage of this beautiful stage, do not hesitate to ask us for help.

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