Private Consultations

1st appointment (60 minutes)

In order for us to offer you a quality nutritional treatment, it is essential that we create your diet file. The latter will contain a maximum of relevant information that will allow us to optimize and increase the probability of the success of our intervention. In addition to socio-administrative information, this document will include:

1. Medical and clinical information;
2. Life conditions;
3. Expectations and motivations;
4. Food and water newspapers;
5. Other information;
6. Dietary diagnosis and treatment goals




During a first consultation (unless contraindicated), we also check your anthropometric data such as:

    • weight
    • height
    • BMI
    • waist circumference
    • body composition (muscle, fat, water and bone mass…)

Generally, during a first consultation, we calculate your basal metabolism and your daily energy and nutritional needs.

Price: 102,18€

2nd appointment (45 minutes)

  • Delivery and explanation of the initial dietary report that will include the dietary diagnosis, the goals of nutritional treatment, the positive points (to keep) and the points to improve
  • Delivery and explanation of the meal plan



We recommend that you book your 2nd appointment a maximum of 7 to 10 days away from the 1st appointment

Price: 127,73€

Follow-up appointments (30 minutes)

  • evaluation of all changes made or in progress and motivational interview
  • Check compliance with the meal plan and any difficulties you may have encountered – we will give you suggestions to help you overcome them
  • Answer to all your possible questions
  • Verification of the evolution of your anthropometric data (weight, waist circumference and body composition)


  • Assessment of your food consumption through the implementation of a food and water journal
  • Decoding food and beverage labels
  • Help to improve your favorite dishes and ideas for new recipes/cooking methods
  • Readjusting your eating plan to new goals or possible changes in your life/routines
Price: 63,86€

Schedule your appointment here

You can make an appointment via our website by clicking on the button below

Do you have any questions?
Send us a message

If you have any questions, click on the boton below and send us your message

D01 : Hipertensão arterial

D02 : Insuficiência renal crônica com depuração de creatinina <30ml / min

D03 : Doença inflamatória intestinal crônica (DII: doença de Crohn e colite ulcerativa)

D04 : Doença celíaca

D05 : Comprovada intolerância alimentar à lactose

D06 : Comprovada intolerância alimentar à frutose

D07 : Fibrose cística

D08 : Adultos com obesidade grave: IMC> 35

D09 : Obesidade adulta com IMC> 30 em associação com pelo menos um dos seguintes critérios:

  • diabetes mellitus com HbA1c> 7%;
  • hipertensão resistente ao tratamento e definida como pressão arterial maior que 140/90 mmHg, apesar do tratamento por um ano com três anti-hipertensivos ao mesmo tempo;
  • síndrome da apneia do sono objetivada por exame polissonográfico realizado em hospital com laboratório do sono;
  • tipo morfológico andróide (circunferência da cintura superior a 88 cm nas mulheres e 102 cm nos homens);
  • história cardiológica (doença arterial coronariana documentada / cardiomiopatia).

D10 : Obesidade infantil e adolescente: a ser determinada de acordo com as curvas de distribuição do IMC de acordo com a idade e sexo

D11 : Diabetes tipo I

D12 : Diabetes tipo II

D13 : Pré-diabetes (glicose no sangue ≥ 106 mg / dl)

D01 : Hypertension artérielle

D02 : Insuffisance rénale chronique avec une clearance à la créatinine < 30ml/min

D03 : Maladie inflammatoire chronique de l’intestin (MICI : maladie de Crohn et rectocolite hémorragique)

D04 : Maladie cœliaque

D05 : Intolérance alimentaire avérée au lactose

D06 : Intolérance alimentaire avérée au fructose

D07 : Mucoviscidose

D08 : Obésité sévère adultes : BMI > 35

D09 : Obésité adultes avec un BMI > 30 en association avec au moins l’un des critères suivants :

  • diabète sucré avec HbA1c > 7 %;
  • hypertension résistante au traitement et définie comme une pression sanguine supérieure à 140/90 mmHg, malgré un traitement pendant un an au moyen d’une prise simultanée de trois antihypertenseurs;
  • syndrome d’apnée du sommeil objectivé via un examen polysomnographique réalisé dans un hôpital disposant d’un laboratoire de sommeil;
  • type morphologique androïde (tour de taille dépassant 88 cm chez la femme et 102 cm chez l’homme);
  • antécédents cardiologiques (coronaropathie/ cardiomyopathie documentée).

D10 : Obésité enfants et adolescents : à déterminer selon courbes de distribution de l’IMC en fonction de l’âge et du sexe

D11 : Diabète type I

D12 : Diabète type II

D13 : Prédiabète (glycémie ≥ 106 mg/dl)